Praise Him

“Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty expanse.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭150:1  There are an estimated 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy alone... there are an estimated 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the universe!!! 400 billion x 2 trillion stars in the universe... my brain hurts just thinking about that expanse... yet Lord, You state that you breathed all of that into existence. You are bigger than the universe, yet You know us by name. You’ve counted each one of us as well as the stars. You’re outside of time itself, yet You decided to create us and love us. We praise You for that. But saying just the words “we praise You” doesn’t seem enough... You are beyond compare.... beyond 400 billion x 2 trillion ... Amen

Authenticity in Prayer

I"m continuing observations in Matthew 6:6.  Today, we are discussing authentic prayer.  First, Jesus talks about what it looks to pray hypocritically.  In the NIV Archeological Study Bible it says that, “pious Jews prayed publicly at set times-usually morning, afternoon, and evening,” (1658).  Hypocrites were considered to be the pious Jews.  What would a "pious Jew" be in our day and time? Probably someone who might consider themselves to be "Good Christians" who do all the right things... going to church, reading the Bible, volunteering at church, and when it comes to prayer... it could be possible that when they pray in groups, other people have problems but personally.. everything\"s going great!!! Nothing wrong here... No sin, no problems... "wow buddy, you\"ve got it really bad..." I know I\"ve been that person before.... I might also have some tendency to act this way now because I don\"t want to face my problems... It\"s easy to let everyone else share their burdens and avoid your own. Lets get to authenticity in prayer.

In verse 6, Jesus tells us to go into our room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.  “The Greek word here translated ‘room’ probably means ‘store-room,’ because unlike most of the rooms in the house, this one had a door that could be shut” (1568).  Personally, I have also heard about the term in the Jewish context of prayer closet, where rabbis would put their shawl over their head.  This was referred to going into the prayer closet. This picture makes prayer feel very humble, personal, private, and special. There are quite a few times where Jesus goes off on his own to talk to the Father. (Luke 5:16, Luke 4:42, Matthew 26:36-46, Luke 6:12-16) What are some practical ways we can pray authentically?

One way we can pray authentically is in our posture.  I experienced prayer in a Mosque where everyone was kneeling at the same time, standing at the same time, and there were different levels of posture.  At one point everyone had their head and hands flat on the ground...  Personally, when I change how I\"m sitting when I talk to God... my mind tends to get back into focus... it\"s really easy for me to wander off in my thoughts sometimes... possibly like I\"m doing right now!   Maybe on a run, a walk, when you\"re standing, when you\"re on the toilet, when you\"re eating lunch... drinking coffee... God doesn\"t really care what you\"re doing when you talk to Him, he\"s always listening. 

Another way we can practice authentic prayer is when our distractions are at a minimum... Going back to Verse 6... let\"s get in the prayer closet mindset... let\"s try to remove the distractions... go on silent... log off... maybe the bathroom is the only spot in the house right now you can get away from your kids for 5 min to pray to the Heavenly Father...

Another great reminder is that God is listening to us... In Luke 1:8-20, Zechariah is in the temple... an angel appears to the right of the alter of incense and says "Do not be afraid, Zechariah, because your prayer has been heard" (HCSB).  The alter of incense is where the priest was supposed to lift of all the prayers of the community to the LORD.  God sent the angel to this guy specifically to declare that this specific prayer for a child is going to be answered!  It really speaks to the personal and practical way God works in our lives... He\"s here listening, answering our prayers all the time.  Let\"s pray with that in mind right now....

God, I\"m talking to you right now in this blog it\"s 10:51pm Sat Jan 23rd... I\"m not kneeling.... I\"m just sitting here on my bed next to my family as they\"re sleeping... thank you for this moment.  Thank you for the gifts you\"ve given.  Thank you for sitting on the throne right now and holding the universe together but also being so personal, that you actually just want to know what\"s going on with me right now in this moment.  I don\"t know what tomorrow brings but I trust You\"re in control.  Help me to keep You at the center of my life, and help all of us to pray authentically and to be real with You.

Thank you God, Amen.


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