Praise Him

“Praise the LORD! Praise God in His sanctuary; Praise Him in His mighty expanse.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭150:1  There are an estimated 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy alone... there are an estimated 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the universe!!! 400 billion x 2 trillion stars in the universe... my brain hurts just thinking about that expanse... yet Lord, You state that you breathed all of that into existence. You are bigger than the universe, yet You know us by name. You’ve counted each one of us as well as the stars. You’re outside of time itself, yet You decided to create us and love us. We praise You for that. But saying just the words “we praise You” doesn’t seem enough... You are beyond compare.... beyond 400 billion x 2 trillion ... Amen

Dear God...

Dear God,

We lift up those who are mourning

We lift up those who are in need

We lift up the broken

We lift up the sick

We lift up the hungry

We lift up the happy

We lift up the rich

We lift up the poor

We lift up the regulars

We lift up the world-famous

We lift up the peaceful

We lift up the violent

We lift up the young, middle-aged, and well-seasoned

We lift up every race, creed, color and shape... sexual preference, personal preference, and everything in between

We lift up everyone because You died for all, and You’ve given the opportunity for all to choose to receive forgiveness and healing and grace.

Thank you God,




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